Our rules
If you wish to book hotel accommodation, there are three simple ways:
1. You can call us by phones +7/7172/62 85 69, + 7 775 938 11 55, skype: astanahotels, ICQ 370 634 562
2. You can mail us, e-mail: astanahotels@yahoo.com, hotels_asatana@mail.ru, 9999999777@mail.ru (Mail Agent)
Please, write all details of booking: Names of visitors, preference of hotels, category of booking rooms, arrival-departure date, the payment form.
3. On our site www.astanahotels.kz in the catalogue of hotels you can enter the content of that hotel which is necessary to you. Please, pay attention on the pannele you will see "Description", "Prices", "Photos", "Order online". Click on "Order online", there you can fill the preferences and send it to us. Simply fill the given form: specify the contact information, roomg category, needed hotel, arrival date, departure date, quantity of rooms, the payment form, names of guests. Press "Send".
As soon as we recept your booking request your personal manager of our company will contact you via e-mail or other communication connections and will specify details of your order!
What should be in the order booking?
It must contain the following information: the Surname and Name of guests, room category and quantity of rooms, preferred hotel / if you can not be defined with preference, we will help you/, residing date, your city, contact e-mails, phone, fax, the surname and name of contact person.
Our managers must send confirmation of bookind whenever possible immediately, or within 1 day.
Thank you for your attention to our company!